
Showing posts from October, 2018

Halloween Fun!

Halloween Fun! Today was a very exciting day! This past week, all students have had a chance to  do some little pumpkin  measuring activities. We created pattern pumpkins! We did some "Just Dance Kids" Halloween themed dancing for gym time. Thank you to Mrs. Taylor who bought everyone their very own little pumpkin to decorate! We drew faces with sharpies and googley eyes or painted our pumpkins!  For work period, we had some math and language  Halloween themed activities students could choose!

Creating a Rainbow

Tuesday, we learned how to create a rainbow using a prism  and sunlight. We remember the rainbow colors and order of colours by the mnemonic R O Y G B I V ( red , orange , yellow , green , blue , indigo , violet ) We, then, created suncatchers with crystals to create our own  rainbows with a crystal and showed the rainbow with coloured beads. We have been watching as the crystals create beautiful rainbows all around our classroom!

Jack-o-Lantern Estimating and Measurement

Today, we did some estimating and measuring activities with our class Jack-O-Lantern we carved (with the help of a wonderful parent volunteer yesterday). We looked at how many links could go around the pumpkin, how many snap cubes tall and how many pumpkin seed were in our pumpkin. To help us count ALL the pumpkin seeds, we made groups of 10 seeds and skip counted.   We found we had 467 seeds!!! We also used base 10 blocks to show 467. Challenge:  If you are trick or treating tomorrow, you may want to have your child group their candy in groups of 2's, 5's or 10's and skip count their candy! *And don't forget to check out the previous blog post on our fundraiser for any unwanted candy you may have!*

Family Fall Dance and Jack-o-Lantern Contest

Your child will be coming home tonight with information on our upcoming School Dance on  Friday, November 2nd  6:30-8:30 at CJP! You can buy your tickets at the door for $4 for single entry or $10 for a family! Reminder to bring change for the bake sale! Come and dance the night away, enjoy a treat and try your luck at the 50/50 draw! Make sure to take a photo in the photo booth and vote for your favorite jack-o-lantern carved by the classes!

Made By Momma's Birthday Project

Starting Thursday morning, there will be a box in the office for collecting unwanted Halloween candy to give to Made by Momma's Birthday Project to help fill goodie bags, provide birthday parties and stocking stuffers to families in need! Feel free to send your unwanted candy from Halloween with your child to donate to this great cause!  The box will be out during our upcoming School Dance as well!

Great Day for a Community Walk

What an amazing fall day for a community walk! Thanks to all the volunteers. We saw lots of different modes of transportation. We noticed so many ways that people stay safe in a community! We learned two new terms, urban and rural . ELL tip, if you use these terms in your home language it helps your child build strong connections in the classroom. We also got to come back to the classroom and design a Jack-O-Lantern. It will be on display at the Halloween dance on Friday. If you don't know which one is ours, check out the back side of the Jack-O-Lantern. Our parent volunteer, Mrs. M., showed off some hidden talents by carving a face and a number 3 on the back. (I can't find the picture of it's face so I guess you will have to see it at the dance.)

Thursday and Friday

Please note there is no school for students on Thursday and Friday. Students are welcome and encouraged to come to the parent-teacher conference on Thursday.

Creating Games

Today started with outdoor gym class. Room 2 and 3 worked in small groups to use their scoop and ball skills to invent a game. Ask your child about what game they invented. We ended our day by writing rough drafts of our family 'important' poems. Now students are ready to write their first good copy! I'm looking forward to hearing the poems when they are done.

The Important Book - Video - Please Watch

Please watch The Important Book by Margaret Wise Brown. You may recognize her name. She is the same author that wrote Good Night Moon! After watching have a family discussion about what the most important thing is in your family. Grade 2 students can complete this sentence on their own. "The important thing about my family is that we ........" Grade 1 students may need more support in completing the sentence. Parents at home, please help them sound out words and leave spaces between each word. Right now, writing down the sounds they hear is more important than spelling words correctly. I'm sending home small blue slips of paper for the kids to write on but it can just be jotted down on any paper. We will use these responses on Tuesday to write our own 'important' poem! Thanks for all your support with the Social Studies curriculum! Mrs. Taylor

Picture Day Tomorrow

Just a friendly reminder that picture day is tomorrow :)

Buddies and Iris

 On Friday, we were lucky enough to have the help of our buddies in creating our first IRIS post of the year! We will be sending home students's  usernames and passwords this week.   Throughout the year, students will be adding photos of work they are proud of. link to Iris

Science Fall Class Art

Here are some really fun art projects we have done as a class this week. The first is a fall tree, in which every student choose a colour and put their thumb print to represent  fall leaves.  The second is a collage of leaves students have collected. Each student got to choose a leaf they found most interesting and put it in our collage. We look forward to creating more class art pieces for all the  seasons!

Young Rembrandts

Today, we had the wonderful experience of having the Young Rembrandts in to do a drawing lesson with us! They taught us step by step instructions on how to draw a  cat using shapes.  They gave us suggestions on how we could make our cats  unique or with a fun cartoon background. The students did amazing and all seemed to really enjoy this experience!    Thank you to Mrs. Taylor for organizing having these amazing artists in today!

We Scare Hunger

WE SCARE HUNGER!   NO ONE SHOULD GO HUNGRY, BUT IN CANADA 1 in 7 CHILDREN GO TO SCHOOL HUNGRY.  36% OF FOOD BANK USERS IN CANADA ARE CHILDREN AND YOUTH!   THIS HALLOWEEN, BE HUNGER HEROES Take action this Halloween to collect non-perishable food items at school and in your community to help stop hunger before it strikes.   Starting on Monday October 15 th , the Me to We club will begin to collect non-perishable food items. We will continue to collect non-perishable food items until November 9 th . All food items will be donated to the Calgary food bank to help hungry Calgarians.    Classroom Challenge: Which classroom can collect the most non-perishable items? As teachers collect donated goods from students during October 15 th  to November 15 th , they will tally the amount collected. The class to collect the most food items will have their class picture proudly displayed on the Me to We club’s  Hall of Fame  display cas...


We visited the school library for the first time today. We met the librarian Mrs. Moss. Each Thursday we will do a library book exchange. Students can keep their books for up to two weeks. Students have the chance to explore their own interests and find books on topics of their choice. Please read with them through the week and send the books back by Thursday. These books may be something that the student can read or needs an adult to read. We also did our first partner reading today. Students quietly read to a partner. They did amazing at focusing on reading and enjoying time with a friend. Partner Reading Rules: knee-to-knee choose a book you can read with only a few mistakes 1 book between quiet voice

Student of the Week!

Student of the Week has begun. Please look at the example poster. Encourage and support your child to do their best. If you are stuck on what to do in a section, look at the example. Have your child bring in their poster on their week. Thanks!

Painting Skills

Kids learned how to properly use and clean a paintbrush. They used the tips of the brush to stay in the lines on the small papers. Beautiful fall colour choices Room 3!

Natural Colours

Natural Colours Last week, we explored manufactured colours, colours created in a factory.  Last week, we had also looked gone on a scavenger hunt to find natural colours  in our Discovery Garden. Today, we sketched those natural colours in our sketchbooks. Students really took time to focus on the details of their  sketches and include labels of their sketches. Here are two photos of groups looked at the photos we took on the iPads.