Jack-o-Lantern Estimating and Measurement

Today, we did some estimating and measuring activities with
our class Jack-O-Lantern we carved (with the help of a wonderful parent volunteer yesterday).
We looked at how many links could go around the pumpkin, how many snap cubes tall and how many pumpkin seed were in our pumpkin.
To help us count ALL the pumpkin seeds, we made groups of 10 seeds and skip counted.  
We found we had 467 seeds!!!
We also used base 10 blocks to show 467.

Challenge:  If you are trick or treating tomorrow, you may want to have your child group their candy in groups of 2's, 5's or 10's and skip count their candy!
*And don't forget to check out the previous blog post on our fundraiser for any unwanted candy you may have!*


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