Our Learning Today

Today we watched two videos on what is was like to have Autism and Epilepsy for our upcoming Autism and Epilepsy Awareness Days both happening this Thursday.
We had some great discussions on how we are similar to children with Autism or Epilepsy, how we show understanding and how everyone can show support.  Your child may want to wear blue to bring awareness to Autism or purple to bring awareness to Epilepsy on Thursday.
 Here are the two links if you would like to view them or further discuss them with your child.


In Science today, we learned how the Earth is made up of 3/4 or 75% water and that our bodies are made up of 2/3 of water or 66%.  We talked about how many things and all living things are made up of water.  We looked at this with an orange.  We juiced it to see how much liquid we were able to get out of a half orange.  Of course, we also got to enjoy the juice from it!


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