Thursday April 4th is Wear Purple or Blue Day at CJP.

Thursday April 4th is Wear Purple or Blue Day at CJP. Like Orange Shirt Day in September and Pink Shirt Day in February that is held to bring awareness to First Nation reconciliation and Anti-bullying, Wear Purple or Blue Day is to bring awareness to Epilepsy (purple) and Autism (blue). Families are encouraged to have a conversation with their child about epilepsy and/or autism, as both impact not only members of our Captain John Palliser community but people around the world. Traditionally Purple and Blue days occur separately but this year will be honoured jointly as Purple Day occurs while students are on Spring Break.  
Please consider joining us in raising awareness by wearing purple or blue (or both colours) clothes on Thursday April 4th.  
Here are some websites that you may be interested in visiting:  


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