Our Day and Celebration of Learning

So many students were dressed in their pink shirts 
for our Anti-Bullying Day.
We watched an inspirational video talking about 
how Pink Shirt Day came to be.
Ask your child to tell you about it!

We also had so much fun playing our games to help 
us learn our mental math addition strategies! 
We look forward to teaching them 
to parents tonight at our Celebration of Learning!
It begins at 6:15.
We will meet in the Music room and then go to the gym
to perform our what we have been learning 
in Karate!
Then parents are welcome to come to the class to show their family how they can move our Ozobots around the community we built.
We also have Math and Language games as well!
The Scholastic Book Fair will also be open!

Here are some photos of us playing our math strategy games.


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