
Showing posts from February, 2019

Rafiki Bracelets

If your child ordered a Rafiki bracelet through the Me to We club, they have arrived and are going home today! Room 3 is spending some extra time walking outside today to 'walk with the polar bears'.  We  are learning about the arctic region of Canada.  Today we focused on land and weather. We compared the land and weather in Iqaluit to Calgary. Ask your child about it tonight! See if they can find Calgary and Iqaluit on a map or globe.

Our Day and Celebration of Learning

So many students were dressed in their pink shirts  for our Anti-Bullying Day. We watched an inspirational video talking about  how Pink Shirt Day came to be. Ask your child to tell you about it! We also had so much fun playing our games to help  us learn our mental math addition strategies!  We look forward to teaching them  to parents tonight at our Celebration of Learning! It begins at 6:15. We will meet in the Music room and then go to the gym to perform our what we have been learning  in Karate! Then parents are welcome to come to the class to show their family how they can move our Ozobots around the community we built. We also have Math and Language games as well! The Scholastic Book Fair will also be open! Here are some photos of us playing our math strategy games.

Scholastic Book Fair

SCHOLASTIC’S BOOK FAIR IS COMING TO OUR SCHOOL! The Scholastic Book Fair will be at our school Tuesday February 26h to Wednesday February 27th. Students will be visiting the fair during class time; they will be allowed to purchase books during that time, but we also encourage you to look over the highlights flyer and the wish list they will bring home. Parents are welcome to visit anytime; remember to sign in at the office and pick up a visitor’s badge. Please have your child fill out the ballot on the highlights flyer for a chance to win free books! Did you know: 80% of the sales from this fair come back to the school in the library and home reading materials? Last year, our Scholastic book fairs brought in over $8500 worth of books for the library, home reading program, and English as a Learned Language support. You may send cash or a cheque with your child to purchase their books. Cheques should be made out to CJP. Visa, Mastercard, and debit are also accepted when ...

The Chicken Dance

Students worked in groups to reinvent moves to the chicken dance. The kids did a wonderful job sharing ideas and listening to their friends. We practiced to the music which was more challenging than we thought! Next week students will present their creations! Mrs. Taylor will present her dance too :)

Simon Fraser Visitors

Today, we had a wonderful visit from Simon Fraser students. We showed them our math games and they read us story.  It was a wonderful afternoon for both us and the Simon Fraser students.

Celebration of Learning


Celebrating 100 Days of School

Very fun day celebrating 100 days of school today. Check out some of our fun 100 day activities from racing to 100 to 100 boards to 100 year old writing to building with 100 blocks to drawing a picture with a hidden 100 in it and more!

Oobleck and Slime - Liquid or Solid???

Today was such exciting afternoon! After a previous discussion on the characteristics of  solids, liquids and gases, some students were wanting to know if slime would be a solid  or a liquid. We decided we wanted to explore this further. One student was so helpful in bringing in 3 containers of slime for us to explore! Thank you to this student! Ms. McCullough decided to add in Oobleck to the experiment as well. We described both the solid and liquid characteristics of slime and oobleck then wrote a conclusion on whether it should be classified as a solid, liquid or both and explain why. Through some research online, Ms. McCullough found out this information online: What Is Oobleck? Oobleck isn’t a liquid or a solid, it’s a "non-Newtonian fluid". At times, it may seem like a solid or a liquid but it acts differently than a normal solid or liquid. Making oobleck is a great science experiment to show how changes in  pressure  can change the...

Double Bingo

On Friday, we played Double Bingo! As we have been learning our double facts to 20, we learned a game where we could flip a card,  double the number and cover the number on our Bingo card. Whoever got a line first, won! Check out our Double Poem we have been using to help us memorize these facts!

Valentine's Day

Today, we read the story  "The Very Fairy Princess  Follows Her Heart".   It was a very sweet story about a little girls who forgets  her Valentine's Day cards and, instead, tells each of her classmates something special about them. We did the same and shared a few special things about each person in our class. Then we made Valentine's Day cards for special to us.

Our First Karate

Students put forth their best efforts today during karate! We practiced single, double and triple punches. Kids showed good reaction time with high and low blocks. Remember, karate stays in the Dojo!


Students used this picture as a writing prompt today. I asked them some guiding questions to talk about at their table groups. Who is it? What are they doing? When is this? Where? Why? One student said, "Hmmmm, those are some really good questions! Those are the 5 W's." I didn't correct anything they said about what they thought. It was so fun to hear their thinking and reasoning. After Family Day I will introduce our first Canadian Community that we will study. The picture above is a hint! Tomorrow is 'Dress A-Like' day. Some children have plans to wear the same as each other. If they didn't find someone to dress like then they can wear a red shirt and blue pants.

Chinese and Korean New Year

As we look at Winter celebrations, Wednesday, we learned about Chinese and Korean New Year. Our students who celebrated, shared their traditions and others made connections  to their own celebrations. We made our own Dragons and watched a Chinese Dragon Dance.

Marshmallow and Coca-Cola

Next week we have Thursday, February 14 and Friday, February 15 off for Teacher's Convention. Monday, February 18 is a day off for Family Day. If you would like to take our class gerbils,  Marshmallow and Coca-Cola home for the extra long weekend, please email Ms. McCullough at You will need to be able to pick up the gerbils in their fairly large cage with supplies  on Wednesday, February 13th and return them on Tuesday, February 19th. We will do a draw on Monday for those who would like to take them home.

Dress Alike Day

As part of our Spirit Day, we will be doing  a Dress Alike Day at Captain John Palliser. On Friday, students can dress like a friend or friends. Some of us in Room 3 are planning to all dress alike. We decided to wear a blue shirt and blue jeans.  If your child would like to participate, please help them in laying their clothes out for Friday. Thank you!

Cozy and Warm

Is there anything better than reading a good book on a cold day? This student sure looks like he is having a good time reading and chillaxing in the classroom reading bin! With so much time inside student can benefit from more movement. Today we introduced the standing desk. It will be in our class even when the weather gets warm. In gym we ran, ran and ran some more! Pink kindness slips will go home tomorrow!