
We have been enjoying learning about the winter season.  We will be talking more about winter activities in February.  It would be great for students to bring in a picture of themselves doing a winter activity.  This could include tobogganing, skiing, skating, etc. Your child can bring a photo in whenever and I can hold on to them until we discuss them in class in a few weeks.

We have learned about many celebrations but would like to more deeply explore the celebrations of our class. If your family has any celebrations in the winter season, we would love to hear about it. Please send me an email or have your child talk to me.  In February, many of our students celebrate Chinese New Years. We will explore this celebration. For those students who celebrate, it would be great if they would like to bring in a picture, decoration, outfit, etc and tell us a little bit about their celebration. This will allow us to compare and contrast to other celebrations.  We will also be celebrating Valentine’s Day and, as spring approaches, Groundhog Day.

Thank you,
Ms. McCullough


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