
Showing posts from January, 2019

States of Matter

Today, we explored the different states of water. We started our day looking at ice which was a solid. In the afternoon, we found our solid ice had turned to liquid water. After our winter walk, we used a kettle to boil our water and see how it turned to a gas - steam. We then used our boiled water to enjoy a nice cup of peppermint or apple spice tea to warm us up from our time outside for our winter walk and recess. We, also, sketched our signs of winter.

Winter Walk

We went on our Winter Walk today to explore signs of Winter.

Winter Photography

On Friday, we went outside and took photos  of the signs of winter. Today, we glued them in our sketchbooks.

Blowing Paint Art

As we explore water, today we looked at how water makes droplets  and moves. We used watered down paint blew the paint to make our beautiful art piece. Students also noticed that some of our primary coloured paints mixed and created secondary colours. Check out some of our creations!


We are beginning the study of 3 communities in Canada by exploring maps of Canada. We have lots of puzzles and books for the students to explore in the Montessori work period.

Math Game

We will now be sending home  a monthly math game for families to play at home. This is a fun way for families  to get together and have some fun that  relates to learning at school! If you do not have a deck of cards or dice, please email us and we can send  them home with your child. Our first game is a favorite in our class,  Greater than war. Here are the instructions: Greater Than War You will need a deck of cards. Each player turns up a  card  at the same time and the player with the higher  card wins both  cards. If the cards are the same, it is  War . Each player turns three cards face down then one card face up. Whoever has the greater number on their face up card wins the pile!

Mission Impossible and Water Exploration

Mission Impossible has been a huge hit with Room 3!   In Science, we did some water exploration.

Great Learning Happening

Today we heard how Nurse Lisa helps our school by teaching kids how to stay healthy. One important job she has to give immunization shots. Another important job is teaching kids how to wash their hands properly! We also got lots of Montessori work period time today! The students made good learning choices. Student Led Conferences (Thursday, January 31) is your child's chance to show you their learning.  Social Networking and Online Safety | Jan. 23, 2019 An Evening for Parents with Paul Davis Simon Fraser School 5215 - 33 Street NW January 23, 2019 6:30 PM Topics Include SnapChat Instagram Facebook Smartphones Digital Trails Cyberbulling Texting Sexting Onling Gaming & Online Security Accountability & Reponsibility in a Digital World


We have been enjoying learning about the winter season.   We will be talking more about winter activities in February.   It would be great for students to bring in a picture of themselves doing a winter activity.   This could include tobogganing, skiing, skating, etc. Your child can bring a photo in whenever and I can hold on to them until we discuss them in class in a few weeks. We have learned about many celebrations but would like to more deeply explore the celebrations of our class. If your family has any celebrations in the winter season, we would love to hear about it. Please send me an email or have your child talk to me.   In February, many of our students celebrate Chinese New Years. We will explore this celebration. For those students who celebrate, it would be great if they would like to bring in a picture, decoration, outfit, etc and tell us a little bit about their celebration. This will allow us to compare and contrast to other ...